Home > Dulcimers


We have a unique selection of dulcimers & zithers that appeal to any fan of acoustic musical stringed instruments !

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Applecreek® 50 Dulcimer Case Applecreek® 50 Dulcimer Case
List Price: $29.50
Our Price: $28.50
Savings: $1.00
Applecreek® 100 Dulcimer Applecreek® 100 Dulcimer
List Price: $149.50
Our Price: $129.50
Savings: $20.00
Applecreek® 150 Dulcimer & Case Applecreek® 150 Dulcimer & Case
List Price: $299.50
Our Price: $285.50
Savings: $14.00
Applecreek® 200 Dulcimer & Case Applecreek® 200 Dulcimer & Case
List Price: $369.50
Our Price: $359.50
Savings: $10.00